Blended families are so fun to photograph. They’re usually larger than other families, with lots of kids that are all different ages. This family had such a peaceful vibe during their Venice beach photoshoot. It was especially fun to watch the older kids care for their younger siblings. They naturally picked them up, carried them around and loved on them throughout the session. It was a beautiful thing to capture. This mom had expressed that she wanted to make sure the older kids weren’t forgotten about (knowing how adorable and active the younger ones were) but that wasn’t even possibility with how lovely they all interacted with each other.
My sessions are a little different than what many people are used to. The less experience the family has with portraits, the better they typically respond to being in front of my camera. We’re so trained to look right at the camera and “put on” a smile, but that’s exactly the opposite of what I want my clients to do (unless it happens naturally with a real smile, like the shot of the two boys below). This was the family’s first time being photographed (professionally) so they followed the guidance I provided before and during the session with ease which allowed me to create these beautiful, truly authentic moments at one of my favorite locations in Venice, Florida.

Sarah of Chasing Creative is a couple + family + maternity photographer in Southwest, Florida – primarily shooting in Venice, Sarasota, Fort Myers, Estero, Naples, Bonita Springs, Sanibel and Captiva. Learn more about Chasing Creative or pricing for photoshoots here.